Useful Links

Fedora Project

Free Software



    Laboratório Avançado de Produção Pesquisa e Inovação em Software

Static analysis


  • kiskadee
    Continuous Static Analysis Tool
  • rmspaces
    Perl distribution to remove spaces from file names (I used this tool to perform mass renames, then I learned `mmv` exists)
  • copr-status
    Tool I developed to compare RPM packages versions in Copr against it's spec files in a git repository
  • noturno
    noturno is a Firefox addon to help turning proxy configurations on/off - Helpful to download articles
  • lppa
    Command line tool to manage Launchpad PPAs
  • pyarn
    Python yarn.lock parser written with PLY (Python Lex-Yacc)

Links related to Free and Open Source Software and other things I find interesting.


Hi, I am Athos Ribeiro. I am a Software Engineer working at Canonical in the Ubuntu Server team. I am a Debian Developer, an Ubuntu core developer, and a contributor at the Fedora Project



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